snakes and biscuits (1 August 2024)


welcome one and all and sundry items in the bagging area to... ta-daa!… August!… already, when it seems only yesterday it was March… happy to be here?… that is, if you are here, being for you the month may not be August if you follow a different calendar… it’s also Olympics time, as it is every four years, not always at this time of course, depending on where it’s being held, I’ve seen some already, as I usually do, and already I’m exhausted from the tension, so much so I have to keep well-stocked with biscuits and tea, and bananas, because whenever I see an athlete sneak a bite of banana, as they often do, I just can’t help myself, Pavlov’s dog has nothing on me…… but what I’ve gathered you all here to talk about isn’t any of that, though I could bang on about bananas until the cows come home, and believe me, you be willing those bloody cows to come home as soon as possible, it’s something I hear said a lot, that being, “I’ve found my tribe”… and wonder, just because you share an interest with a particular group of people, I don’t understand how that makes them, all and sundry it seems, “your tribe”… say, you’re a biker, does that mean that your tribe is everyone who rides motorbikes?… or perhaps you’re a ‘Swiftie’… yes, I know this term might baffle some of you but others will know precisely to what I’m referring, avid fans of the American singer, Taylor Swift, hence, ‘Swifties’… even knowing this I’m still baffled, but many regard themselves as having ‘found their tribe’, simply because they all like Taylor Swift, irrespective of whether or not you would actually even get on with many or even any of those individuals who are also fans as such… then there are those who worry they haven’t, as yet, ‘found their tribe’, as if for some reason they need too, a compulsion, or there is peer pressure to do so, the latter I think is definitely the case for some… social media exacerbates this, this need to belong, which in itself isn’t a bad ting, belonging and all that, but in these cases it seems to be belonging at all and any cost, it’s quite stressful… I do yoga, but that doesn’t mean everyone who does yoga is suddenly ‘my tribe’, in fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever found nor even had a ‘tribe’… perhaps I am merely quibbling about the trivial, but it does sometimes feel somewhat exclusive, in some cases, an in or out binary ‘choice’… am I wasting words here, speaking out of turn, or out of my derrière?… me thinks the latter rings true……...


it’s come to my attention that I never see anyone taking a snake for a walk, as with dogs, but I suppose having no neck they must keep slipping their leads…..


confession of the week… I like dunking biscuits… because I love the word, dunking…

© 2024 robert greig
