horse stares (7/8/24)


horse stares across the hedgerowed field of dreams at imagined herds, its past and its future locked in the present moving without consultation, a flick of the tail, shake of the head, every day the distance calling it home, little did it know how long it would have to wait… random jackdaws trying to organised their disorganised flight in unrefined spirals over the rookery vying for places to roost as soon as each can gather the wind just right into its wings to land on a branch no thicker than a man’s thumb… a barely alive pyracantha dips the tip of its brown-leaved and brittle thorny stem into the pond in hope of resurrection… blackberries surprised as they are to be out so soon fattening from green to red to burgundy to black, swelling with each drop of rain that’s strained out of the clouds which part when it suits them and gather together for safety in numbers… black slug’s found the dew is much to its liking, it doesn’t move like lightning but worries not a bit except perhaps for the thrush who might well cut its evening short, but surely its too fat and unseemly and definitely untasty for even this bird to endure… days wander from one end of an hour to another finding itself shaping the end of the day without noticing where the time went…...


I have nothing to say… except… when I have something to say...


when writing, do you dot your “i” the moment your write the letter or do you wait until the end of the word, or the end of the sentence or even the paragraph, or, do you not even bother at all and leave each “i” dotless and let the reader decide?…

© 2024 robert greig
