in space no one can hear you ooze (15/8/24)


there are so many worlds out there, but where is everyone?… the Fermi paradox… being that there are around 200 billion stars in the Milky Way alone, one in five of which have planets, or a single planet at least, orbiting it… that’s more stars than the a heart beats during an average lifespan, around 30 billion times, although, average is different from country to country… and for a planet to deserve the moniker of a ‘world’ then it has to have life of some kind, otherwise it’s just a hunk of rock floating in space… except are they floating, being Space (capital ‘S’) has no up or down because there is no top or bottom to it, so they are just there in Space, sort of suspended but not, but definitely moving through… Space or space?… or both… we can only really conceive of space having boundaries, that’s what makes space, space, without such to define it it can’t realistically be called space, so, calling Space, ‘Space’, could be seen as a bit of a cop-out, linguistically and intellectually-speaking… it all begins to sound a tad ludicrous… or should I say, yes, I will say, bonkers……


I feel the need for a word of the day, and today I have chosen, whether it likes it or not… ooze… ooze, say it firstly normally, ooze, then elongate the ‘o’… ooooze… then extend the ‘o’ and the ‘z’… oooozzze… then turn the final sound into a semi-plosive… oooozzz’ah!… given it an exclamatory edge, and we all like one of those every now and then to keep the blood flowing…… there’s something mighty satisfying about seeing two of the letter ‘o’ keeping each other company…...


it’s a day of bananas and sheep……

© 2024 robert greig
