shall we begin (4/8/24)

log in
log out
shake it all about
a swipe to the left
and a swipe to the right
you can do it all night
let’s do
the timeline
let’s do
the timeline
how many apps
does it take to make
your broken heart break
your fingers ache
to drown your soul
to take its toll
to swallow you whole
do damage untold,
to crush your spirit
to deaden your wit
to leave you in bits
to make you submit,
a meaningless blizzard
a streamingful noise
sucking your blood
confounding your poise,
we know who your are
we know where you are
we know where you’ve been
we know what you been
we know your secrets
the ones you most regret
we know your lies
all those that your hide,
we know what you like
we know what you buy
we know what’s best
we’ve seen you undressed,
we know your opinions
we know your confessions
we’ll make you feel safe
then make you lose faith,
log in
log out
twist and shout
and shake it all about
we’re under your skin,
now, shall we begin?...

© 2024 robert greig
