neither here nor there (12/9/24)


autumn’s here, if you hadn’t already noticed, unless you’re in the southern hemisphere then spring is here!… unless you’re on or within spitting distance of the equator where seasons are pretty meaningless… the summer breeding migrants have gone away and the leaves of the broadleaves will soon be following them, not on their migratory route, of course, instead they’ll just lazily fall to earth to be heartily consumed by worms and an assortment of other crawly, wriggly things, the sun is still bravely crossing the sky (or could it be it’s not moving at all and in fact it’s us?…) despite the declining temperatures and the temperamental wind attempting to blow it of course (could the wind really blow the sun of course?…), it’s a time of mists and mellow fruits, apparently, good ol’ Keats, the rookery across the road has doubled in size, not in trees, in birds, as all the young ‘uns, jackdaws and rooks, which fledged earlier through spring and summer have joined the morning and evening melĂ©e, chattering and chunnering as they do in excited calls, and when a wind picks up it brings them all into the sky as a great wheeling cloud, not quite a murmuration as that’s a term reserved for starlings, perhaps for these I could call it a cackalation, or maybe it’s more of a chaosalation, being it’s pretty chaotic when they do it and more like a, “does anyone know what we’re doing and why?”, kind of thing… but that’s neither here nor there, days are shortening, of course they are, it’s autumn, didn’t I say?… as they do, all this is obvious, I know, I like it, not really being a summer person, perhaps I’m just not one of the shiny happy people, more one of the a dum-de-diddly-dum people, if there is such a ting, and if there isn’t then there is now… just can’t get my neurones firing in unison today, ho hum, another time maybe, I hope I haven’t took up too much of your time…...


I like monosyllables, they stick to the page better, and don’t you think the word itself, monosyllable, should be of a single syllable?……


I am a sucker for chocolate chip cookies…… give me, give me, NOW!… if you do I promise I will try harder to be one of the shiny happy people, I mean, who can’t but smile when eating a chocolate chip cookie......

© 2024 robert greig
