of rabbits and fishes (3/4/24)


April fools!... oops, too late, that’s me, always behind the curve, I’ve several calendars on my walls so I should be on top of all this stuff… April fool’s, as a day when you can call out, “april fools!”, at anyone who falls for something fake, a prank, hoax, a joke, is said to date back to 1582 when France decided to change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian under one of the many edicts of Charles IX, who liked his edicts, he certainly made a lot of them, which decreed that the first day of a new year was no longer the 1st April, but instead the 1st January, shifting it from Easter, a date based upon lunar cycles, to a date based upon the solar… changing such a significant date in the calendar would mess with anyone’s head, and back then news didn’t travel quite as fast as it does nowadays, so, for those who were slow to or failed to recognize that new year had moved and continued celebrating new year on the 1st April, were as such branded April fools, suggestive of gullibility, in French, “poisson d’avril”, April fish… it’s as simple, or not as simple, as that… what is curious is why nowadays it’s only relevant before midday and not after, this remains a mystery, or a ‘mist’ery, being it’s lost to the mists of time…… as a tangent, if you say “rabbit, rabbit, rabbit” three times, or “white rabbit” three times, on first waking up on the first of a month, any month, it’s supposed to ensure good luck for the rest of that month, which, believe me, I’ve tried and, guess what, it doesn’t work… for April specifically, this notion’s been extended to also make you somehow immune to being April-fooled… regardless of the vagueness of the entire rabbit thing, people still do it, perhaps following the what-if logic, as in, what if there’s something in it after all…… hmm, curiouser and curiouser…


have you ever wondered why trees cannot fly……….


keep calm … and panic

© 2024 robert greig
