flyaway (2/6/24)

in one ear
and out of the other
I’m sure you’ve heard
but are you listening
to a word I’ve said,
out damn fly,
on one door
and not out the next
in one window
and not out the next
you drive me too
distraction, so
what’s the attraction
of my house
my home and my ‘castle’,
you’re born and die
and in between
fly around
as in a dream
without a clue
of why or what to do,
does it not
that constant buzz
bother you
niggle you,
perhaps that’s why
you manic fly
attempting to escape it
shake if off
leave it behind
maybe even unaware
that you’re the one
who makes it,
as you flit
and flirt
and disconcert
from A to B
to C to D
to R to L
to M to E
do you ever sleep,
can you even close
all your multi-facet eyes
8,000 in all
no wonder you seem
out of control,
out damn fly,
get out of my life
and my house
or you may find too soon
that my aim is true,
so put yourself
in my shoes
though I only have
the two
and you would of course
need six,
it’s either you or me
or are we at an impasse
but for me you are
a pain in my ass.

© 2024 robert greig
