but also budgerigars (2/5/24)


I like a good all-out oscitation, don’t you, but even more so find a pandiculation even more satisfying… I do enjoy a bit of chasmology now and then, it keeps my hand in, or my mouth and lungs, as an oscitation is… a yawn, and a pandiculation is… wait for it… a yawn undertaken with a stretch, which, as I mentioned, I find is even more satisfying… oh, and chasmology?... well, what do you think?... it is… ta-daa… the study of yawning… are you yawning yet?... if not, then you have something to look forward too, but be sure to make the most of it, yawns are good even though many-a time one who does it may get demonised as rude or arrogant, or lazy, or flippant, or at best, stressed, but I say yawns are not to be yawned at, but you probably already know that, especially as pretty much every single vertebrate species on the planet, i.e. Earth, yawns, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, even fish, yes fish… indeed… a yawn a day keeps the… actually, I haven’t worked that one through yet… baboons yawn to threaten their enemies, as do Siamese fighting fish, even at their own mirror image often accompanied by an aggressive attack, and guinea pigs, let’s not leave them out, they yawn in a display of dominance or anger, and for them is usually accompanied by teeth chattering, purring and scent marking, so, the lesson here being don’t piss off an guinea pig… for Adelie penguins yawning’s about courtship, I know, double-weird… contagious yawning is fun, not only can you make dogs and cats yawn if you yawn, but also budgerigars… triple-weird!...


hey-ho away we go, we’re on the road to never…


word of the day… bobble… says it all I think……

© 2024 robert greig
